June 27th – July 3rd
We found a new park in Grantsville. It has a splash pad. Tooele valley didn’t have a splash pad before. The kids had lots of fun playing at the old western themed playground. There was even a game where you …
We found a new park in Grantsville. It has a splash pad. Tooele valley didn’t have a splash pad before. The kids had lots of fun playing at the old western themed playground. There was even a game where you …
Digging Out Old Pole Barn Poles Nate was able to fix the tractor and John started digging out the old poles. I tried to find a contractor that would build the barn with the poles the Coulters put up, but …
Pioneer Day Celebrations at This the Place Heritage Park We hadn’t gone to the parade for pioneer days this year so I wanted to go see the special events at the park. They had two days of it, Saturday and …
4th of July On Monday was the Fourth of July. Siara and Nate were having a party in the evening. I helped them clean the patio and other stuff to help them get ready. We had to move the boxes …
Wild Adventure Finding a Campsite I wanted to take the kids to Provo because there was some things we hadn’t seen there yet, so I decided to take them camping in Provo Canyon. I thought it would be a good …
I took the kids to dinosaur Island at Thanksgiving Point Gardens. There were about 35 animatronic dinos in the gardens that moved and made noise. The kids had fun running around finding them, especially Link. He loves dinos On Thursday …
Cardboard for Garden Siara bought a bunch of cardboard boxes to use as weed barriers around the property. The kids had a ball with the boxes making a multi room fort. They decorated the inside with markers and blankets and …
I helped Nathan on Tuesday again. He had the stint taken out. He was still in a lot of pain for a few days after but it was better than having it in. School got out this week. The last …