July 11th – 17th

Wild Adventure Finding a Campsite

I wanted to take the kids to Provo because there was some things we hadn’t seen there yet, so I decided to take them camping in Provo Canyon. I thought it would be a good way to keep them busy. John didn’t want to go because it was really hot. Siara agreed to go with us. When we got to Nunn’s Park campground and found a spot, it was really hot so we decided to go higher in elevation. There was a campground I wanted to check out so we drove up the mountain. It was five miles up. We finally found it and started looking for a campsite. Suddenly, the camp host pulled up in front of us and started chewing me out for not stopping at his trailer first. He was very, very rude. I had seen a little sign saying camp host but nothing saying “Stop”. Siara got really mad at the guy for being so rude and told him we weren’t going to stay somewhere else. There was supposed to be dispersed camping higher up the mountain so we headed up. The road was dirt and was being graded so it was messy and very, very dusty. The truck and the trailer were covered in dust. Also I forgot I had the windows open in the trailer to cool it down, so the dust all went inside the trailer too. We finally found a campground but it was too tight for the trailer and I almost got stuck on a mound with a bush tree on it. By this time both Siara and I were stressed and the kids were restless, so I decided we needed a stress reliever.

Outdoor Mall

We went to the outdoor mall that had Provo Beach. We got some barbecue for dinner and checked out the shops. We got some old fashioned candy like razzles, pop rocks, wax mouth, and the hard candy with fizzy inside. The mall had a couple of splash pads that the kids played in. Remi found a couple of babies and was playing with them. She loves babies.

Provo Beach

We went to Provo Beach. The kids had a lot of fun at Provo Beach. They played in the Mega Play area, did the croquet course, did the lazer frenzy where you avoid the lazer lights, did the carousal, and Link and Locke did the ropes course. Link had to have an adult with him. I had hoped Siara would try it, but she didn’t feel up to it so I went with Link. He caught on fast and was quickly doing it himself and loving it.

Nunn’s Park Campground

After that we went and got a spot at Nunn’s Park. It was cooler by then. I set up camp while the kids rode around on their scooters and bikes. Locke and Link were really speeding and racing around the corners.Locke crashed a couple of times on a sharp turn because he was going so fast. It was great race track around our campsite, except for how fast they were going.

Siara read a book. When it got dark we lit a fire. The kids played night time hide and seek with a flashlight. They loved being outside when it was dark. They weren’t afraid to go hide on their own in the dark. The finder carried the flashlight.

Waterfall Bike Ride

On Wednesday morning I made pancakes for the kids. Then we went for a bike ride to the waterfall. The kids played in the water and hiked up the side of the falls.

Mall Playground

Next we went to Savers. Siara and I both got books. Then we went to the mall and got lunch and found the large, free, indoor outdoor kids play area. Siara and I read books while the kids played.

On the way to the free playground we had to go through a new kids play area. It had neon bumper cars, a track with go carts, bowling alley, games, glow in the dark miniature golf, etc. The kids all wanted to play there, but we had already spent our play money at Provo Beach. I had never seen a playground like it in a mall. It was in a great location too where kids would be walking to get to the other playground and beg their parents to play there.

Next we went to the new Minion movie and then to get dinner at an Italian restaurant downtown that Siara said had great reviews. Their cream sauce was excellent but they were a little sparing on the vegetables.

We did all this stuff trying to keep busy until the campground cooled down. Rain clouds, wind and lightening rolled through and cooled it down a little. We were both really tired by the time we got back, so I set up a movie for the kids to watch before putting them down for bed. I was glad we had internet.

Waffles and Bagels at the Outdoor Mall

Thursday morning we cleaned up the campground and packed everything while it was cool and then went and got breakfast. bagels and strawberry waffles at the outdoor mall. The kids played in the splash pad again and in the fountains.

Time to Go Home

After that we went and got the trailer and went to a garden place and Siara got some plants. She’s really been loving planting stuff lately. As we headed home I realized that I don’t like driving the trailer with the truck. The last time I drove with the trailer was with the car and I didn’t mind that, but the truck makes everything longer and more bulky. It’s harder to maneuver. Very stressful.

When we got home there was a big monsoon rain. It poured heavily and we all sat on the porch watching it and playing in it. Answers to prayer for rain because we had such a bad drought.

John and Ali

John and Ali have been going almost every weekend to their property to hang out at the lake and river. Looks like they got rafts and and lake lounge chairs this time. Looks very relaxing.

Ali sneaking up on baby deer.

Later John added a shade area for them at the dock. Little John is on the paddle board

John is also getting back into gardening. He’s doing hydroponics in the house while they rent


Snakes in the garden. two adults and babies. Lots of voles destroying the grass and making mounds of dirt everywhere which make it hard to mow the orchard.

Building the Kid’s Play House

I’ve been working on building the kids playhouse. It has so many little parts that I don’t want to get lost so I started working on it myself. The kids like helping too. The pound the nuts that hold the bolts in place, find the boards which are all labeled with numbers, and help screw stuff. The last one can get a little stressful helping them do it right. I would prefer to do that one myself.

You can see how much I’ve gotten done so far and all the pieces that are left.

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