Tooele County Fair

Grandma Florer and I took the kids to the Tooele County Fair. I was impressed with all the things they had for kids to do. First we got snow cones and went and watched a show about birds. The guy had huge owls and hawks. Next the kids did some crafts at the free kids craft area. Locke made a wand, a rattle, and a bead necklace. Link made a bead bracelet. He loved stringing beads. He is very methodical.

After that we went to petting zoo area. Link wasn’t very interested. He’s very cautious. They had the cutest baby goats, rabbits, donkey, etc. Locke got a video of me petting the donkey.

After that we went to watch the kids show their goats. It looked hard because the goats are a little stubborn. The kids had to keep their goat’s head up as they walked around. This made the tail go up too. Locke got a video. A girl won the grand prize which was a big, fancy belt buckle.

Grandma stayed in the arena to watch the cows being shown while the boys and I went to watch a snake show.

This guy was hilarious and Locke was enjoying it. The guy pretended like he had left his snake hook at home and that this albino ball python was dangerous. Everyone bought it, and oohed when he pulled it out with his bare hands. As fun and interesting as the show was, Link wasn’t interested so we went to check out the kids rides.

The first ride Locke wanted to do was the trampoline ride. They put him in a harness and then lifted him up high.

He was so light weight he couldn’t do much, so they pulled him down and let go, like a slingshot, and he bounced around.

After bouncing around way up high, they lowered him onto the trampoline so he could jump. He tried to do some flips, but just couldn’t get the hang of it. He kept practicing and almost did it before his time was up.

The first ride Link wanted to do, of course, was a train ride. A driver drove us around the yard in carts. After that Link wanted to go into a jump house. This one was the only one with shade so he stayed in it the whole time. The other ones were hot to touch. (I’m not sure what’s up with the growling face. I told him to smile and this is the face he did.)

He climbed the ladder over and over and jumped down. He is practicing his jumping from up high.

Locke did a huge slide a couple of times then got in line for this zipline. Fortunately, the lines were short. He did this one twice.

The next thing Locke tried was this giant ball. He walked his way through the course inside the ball, with some helpful pushes from the attendant.

On the way back through the course, he was crawling on his hands and knees. I don’t know if he got tired or if it was really hot in the ball. It was a hot day and both boys were red from exertion, so we decided to go inside where it was cooler.

At the kids craft area we got a scavenger hunt form. At each location of the fair we got a stamp and a surprise. It was fun because we got to see things I didn’t know the fair had such as this kids farm play area.

The kids could get buckets and collect items from each station like eggs from these chickens.

Brushing the sheep.

Link loves pretend play. He raked and shoveled this garden and then got a bucket and collected the produce, just like his mama does.

After they were done playing, they got a stamp on their passport and got to pick a treat from the grocery bins: cookies, crackers, fruit snacks, fruit, or juice boxes. Both boys chose juice. I think they were still thirsty from being out in the hot sun.

We went to the other stations to get stamps too and the kids got a different surprise at each one. They got string cheese, candy, a bag of mini carrots, a small frisbee, and a little bottle of bubbles. It was great way to help parents see all that the fair had to offer.

Locke had a birthday party to go to after the fair, so he picked out a toy at one of the vendor booths for his friend (a semi automatic gun with flashing lights and noises). It was a pretty cool toy, but I hoped that his parents didn’t mind guns for their child. The birthday party was at the church, and it looked like so much fun with glow-in-the-dark toys with the lights off and music playing. The kids were having a ball. They also had a lot of pizza and other activities. I would have liked to have seen more but grandma and I were exhausted from the fair, so we headed home.

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