Pioneer Park & Tuacahn Theater

St George Narrows

We went to Pioneer Park to show Siara, but she didn’t bring good hiking shoes. I should have taken her to an easy walk, but instead I took the kids through the narrows. We had gone to it before but I thought it looked too narrow. I watched videos of other people doing it. so I thought we could do it. The kids did great, but it was a very tight squeeze for me at parts. I was going through it sideways and I couldn’t turn to go back and at a couple of spots I was having a hard time finding good grips to pull myself up rocks and not enough strength in one arm to do it. I was glad when we were out of it. It was really long. The kids loved it, but for the first time I was a little claustrophobic and worried about earthquakes. At the top of the narrows was beautiful red rock formations. It took a while to find our way back down to the truck.

We also went to Tuacahn Theater to show it to Siara. We hadn’t seen it during the day. I could see the cliffs surrounding it this time. We also had fun in the gift shop. Siara let the kids each pick out a treat and she got a bunch of chocolate. We also ate lunch there. It was really, really yummy. It was a really fun stop.

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