Kelsey’s Visit to Utah

The first thing Kelsey wanted to do was meet Siara and the kids. She’s great with kids. Link had a new friend. Siara fed us all breakfast every day Kelsey was here. Then Kelsey wanted to meet the animals. She loves animals!

Feeding the Ducks

Utah State Capital

I wanted to show Kelsey the area on her first day, so we drove around and stopped at the state capital. It is such a beautiful building!

We also drove around the University of Utah so she could have other options for school. They have a good social work program which is what Kelsey wants to do. She wants to help children. She has a big heart. She gave 10 dollars of her money to a homeless lady while she was here. She was very concerned about her.

This is the Place Heritage Park

After that, we stopped at This is the Place Heritage Park for a quick tour on the train. We did get off the train at the Native American display and the panning for gold stream.


In the afternoon we went to Cornbellys with Siara and the kids. It is the best fall festival I have ever been to.

Kids Play Town

Each place in the town had dress up costumes and toy items to go along with whatever building it was, such as the fire station or the babies at the nursery.

Truck Animal Farm

The Giant Rat Maze

We didn’t see this the last time we were there. It was a small box with tunnels that had holes you could go up or down in. Kelsey tried to do it but was too big. The boys loved crawling through it.

The Comedian Magician

Locke was a volunteer and the magician put a collar around his neck and then put a sword through it. After taking out the sword and before taking off the collar, the magician told Locke to put pressure on the back of his neck with his hand. Haha

There were lots of unusual slides everywhere. I like this truck slide.


There were lots and lots of different kinds of games, ball tossing games, plinko games, etc. In this game you have to get the ball to the top without it going in one of the holes.

The Crooked House

Link loves this one. You can put a ball into the left side of the tube and it will roll into the basket. There were lots of other maze houses too.

The scary part of the park. We didn’t get tickets to this part. Too scary for kids, and for me!

Ropes Course

The ropes course was really big and challenging at parts. I wish I had gotten more videos of it.

The Zipline

It was only for kids 14 and younger, but Kelsey and Siara were both under the weight limit.

Trying to lift the Hay Bales. We couldn’t lift any of them. Not even with help.

Giant Rocking Chair

The Chicken Piano

This one was new and hilarious. The kids loved it. Every piano key you stepped on a chicken would cluck in that key. Siara even played a song on it

Senior Pictures

On the second day of Kelsey’s visit , Siara took Senior pictures for Kelsey. Siara put makeup on her and fixed her hair. She took some inside and outside pictures. They all turned out beautiful! It was raining and snowing so Kelsey’s hair got wet so eventually they put it in a bun.

Gardiner Village

After taking senior pictures, I took Kelsey to Gardiner Village. I love all their witches and decorations at Halloween and all the unusual shops. We ate lunch in the basement of the mill. It was beautiful there with all the old stone work and the water wheel, and they had yummy Mexican food and Mexican decorations.

On Friday went to the Pumpkin Walk at the Benson Grist Mill. We decorated cookies, played some games, tried the stilts, and went through the booths. Kelsey liked the Canadian board game and the guy who made it showed her how to play it. I liked the uniqueness of the things he made. He also made

After looking around, Kelsey got something to eat. We saw a food truck called Broccoli on a stick. I thought it was kind of funny, but lots of people were walking around with them. Kelsey tried it and really liked it. They had different toppings for the broccoli. The guy who owned the truck was a chef, and a friend suggested he start something like that. He thought he would be laughed at, but his truck has been popular everywhere. He’s been interviewed byBig Budda and he gets into places that have long waiting lists because of how unique and popular his truck is.

Cherry Hill Miniature Golfing

After Benson Grist Mill we went to Cherry Hill. We went miniature golfing and went on the skeleton wagon ride and played blaster balls. Kelsey loved blaster balls. We played with a boy and his mom. They were lots of fun. We were going to their side and tossing balls on the target and the boy was doing the same. We would throw balls or dump baskets of them on each other when we were on the other side. It was hilariously fun.

Blaster Balls

Sea Quest Aquarium

We went to the hands on aquarium while we waited for it to get dark for Cherry Hill. This was Kelsey’s favorite. She loves animals and is really good with them. She would like to work there or a place like it.

Cherry Hill at Night

Skeleton Wagon Ride

The Maze

Climbing Wall

On Kelsey’s last day we first went for a Bike ride to take Corvo for a walk. It was a beautiful day.

Afterwards we went up the canyon to Snowbird to go on the tram and ski lift, but Oktoberfest was going on and the tram was closed for maintenance. Oktober fest is a German Beer festival. It was packed. We had to park way out and pay 10 dollars for parking. They had a bus to ride to the resort. No guns were allowed, which makes sense because of all the drinking going on, so I had to pay for a 12 dollar locker to put my concealed weapon in.

There was a huge tent decorated like the traditional fest. They had lots of German food. I got the pork schnitzel with lemon caper sauce, sliced potatoes and sourkraut with ham pieces in it. They also had brats, Chicken paprikish. German cake etc. Kelsey got some kind of unusual German soup.

There was a stage in the tent with people in costumes playing traditional German songs and beer songs. They also played musical chairs for the kids and had prizes. Then they did some yodeling songs. I would have liked to have seen more of the shows.

Next we walked around and saw some things like juggling, the mountain coaster, booths selling interesting things, and lots of tents with beer for sale. The place was packed. It was the last weekend of the event. It was interesting, but I would probably only come back for the shows and the food.

Next we went for my favorite hike in Big Cottonwood Canyon. A flooding storm had washed a lot of the rocks and dirt down, so the path was different and the water flow was different. Kelsey loved hiking and climbing rocks, but she had slippery shoes on. She worried me a lot with her climbing up high with those slippery shoes on.

Lastly, we got some cup bop Korean barbecue and went to the pirate house. It was a little too scary for kids. It had scary clowns and zombies and gore, but the decorating was amazing as usual. There were so many decorations.

I had a lot of fun with Kelsey. I hope she decides to go to school here. I’d love the whole family to move out here!

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