Gramma Camp 2021 “Don’t Rock the Boat”
The Martin Family has a tradition of Gramma Camp each year. Usually it’s just for kids four and older, but this year everyone was invited. So Nate, Siara, and the kids went to Las Vegas for the Martin Family get-together.
The theme was Don’t Rock the Boat
Preparatioins for Gramma Camp
Gramma Camp 2021…Don’t Rock the Boat…Day #1Welcome aboard….meeting the Captain. Aye, Aye, Captain.
Gramma Camp 2021…Don’t Rock the Boat…Day #1Bon Voyage Party Poolside…REFUSE TO SINK
Gramma Camp 2021…Don’t Rock the Boat…Day #1Ice Cream Bar and a Movie…
Gramma Camp 2021… Day #2SEAS THE DAY Hiking Robber’s Roost.
Gramma Camp 2021… Day #2SEAS THE DAY When you feel a dance off coming on….!
Gramma Camp 2021… Day #2SEAS THE DAY Water Balloon Fight…Parents vs The Children. Kids Rule…!
Gramma Camp 2021… Day #2SEAS THE DAY Imprinting our names into our leather Ship Log Books with Uncle Kenny.
Gramma Camp 2021… Day #2SEAS THE DAY Free time equals Pool time…
Gramma Camp 2021… Day #2SEAS THE DAY Children’s Charades…so much fun.
Gramma Camp 2021… Day #3 Find True North We went to the Planetarium and learned about the universe, galaxies, black holes and constellations.
Gramma Camp 2021…Day #3Find True North Painting Sand Dollars
Buddies make g-camp so much fun.
Gramma Camp 2021…Day #3Find True North Candy Game….we have a new Champ…Link holds this years bragging rights.
Gramma Camp 2021 Day #4Final Crew Meeting…
Gramma Camp 2021…ends with the traditional Cinnamon Roll Hug.
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