Splash Pads

I took the kids to a couple of splash pads this week after doing travel trailer errands. One was near Ogden where I went to get some boards at the only Lowes that had them. It had a lot of fun variety. Link and Locke loved it and got soaking wet. Link’s favorite was what he called the car wash. Remi was more cautious and then got scared when a big fountain of water got her.

The Car Wash… for Kids

The kids also played at the playground. Locke made him try to do the monkey bars and he couldn’t hold on and fell. When he realized falling wasn’t too bad, he got up and tried it a few more times.

The second great splash pad was in Draper. It was more mild and had streams for little ones to play in and smaller fountains of water. Remi and Runa loved the streams and the devices like wheels and dams they could play with. They all had lots of fun. People had brought toys too, and the kids played with them. Link had fun playing with a monster truck in the water. Remi liked the water guns.

It started getting cloudy with thunder, and then it started pouring down rain while they were playing. They got cold ad hung out in the car until it stopped. Then they went back and played some more. I wish there was a splash pad like that nearer to our house. Locke wanted to go back right away.

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