Kylee’s Visit

Kylee drove down from Washington with her two kids for a visit. They stayed for about a week. Siara was excited to have her friend here, and they had lots of fun together. Remi had fun playing with her daughter, Runa, who was about her age. Kylee also had a cute, snuggle little baby boy.

On the weekend they went to Highlander games where Nate won second place. He had moved up a level, so it was harder. He won a real battle axe as his prize.

There was also a Scottish Festival at the games that was amazing. The had a Highland Dance, Highland Athletics, bagpipe competitions, Celtic music, Scottish dances ranging from a sword dance to an Irish jig, a parade, story telling and strongman competitions. They also had traditional ethnic food, vendors, and clans. Some of the vendors had corsets, kilts, Celtic jewelry, weapons, etc.

This is Remi and Runa with Rupanzel

Remi and Runa with Repunzel

After the festival they went to a monster truck rally. It was outdoors this time so not as noisy, but the little ones don’t like noise, so they got earplugs and earphones for them.

Nate is still in his kilt from the games

Runa loved hanging out downstairs and called me grandma too. When Kylee tried to tell her I wasn’t her real grandma, Runa disagreed.

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