Mary Poppins Mother’s Day
Nate got Siara a special Mother’s Day surprise, Mary Poppins. She brought flowers, chocolates, balloons, a crown, singing, dancing, and lots of laughter. It was so much fun, and perfect for Siara because she loves to join in with the actors.

Mary Poppins made balloons for each of the kids too, a sword for Locke, a kitty for Link, and a princess wand for Remi.
I counted to three to get everyone prepared for the photo and Remi walked off the photo at two.

Remi came back

After Mary Poppins, we went for a Sunday drive in the mountains at Stockton. We explored a pile of tailings and Nate found a huge rock he though might have gold in it because he knows what kinds of rock are around rocks with gold and he found all those. We also discovered another mining town, but the road was too rough to make it there in my car. We also saw the ruins of several old charcoal kilns. One almost still had it’s dome shape. I would love to have a four Wheeler so we could explore more in the mountains but few are available because of Covid. Factories shut down and prices went up. Same with travel trailers and lots of other items.
After our drive, we had a roast dinner that mom had brought with a berry pie.
For Mother’s Day I got my mom an atonement talk CD that she wanted and a whole bunch of flowers from Home Depot. I bought three carts full of the flowers they were throwing away because they were drooping. They popped right up with water and looked beautiful. They sold them to me for 20 dollars. There were 5 hanging baskets that were 28 dollars each, plus about 30 flats of different type of flowers. She had to give away most of them because there was so many of them. I used several of the flats and the hanging baskets to decorate Siara’s patio and plant a flower bed that had been destroyed by the chickens. Siara was the first one to get a cart full of flowers at Home Depot, and she shared it with other people. I went back later in the evening and found a couple more carts, plus the lady had one more she was working on. Home Depot isn’t supposed to give away their wilting flowers because people would just wait for them and not buy flowers. But there was a really nice lady that sold them to us. She was just happy that we were carting them away for her.
We got John’s mom a silk flower in a glass dome that lit up. We tried to order her fresh flowers but they wouldn’t deliver them to their town for some reason.
John called and he sent these cute text messages that had his face on them. It was really nice talking to him and catching up
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