Easter Coloring Easter Eggs! It was raining outside so the Easter Bunny hid the kids colored eggs in the basement. We had all forgotten about Easter until the last moment, so the kids used a net and a box as their baskets to collect eggs. Link’s amazing climbing skills. After finding all the eggs, the kids got to trade them in for treats. After egg hunting we ate a yummy Easter dinner that Siara and Nate had prepared! They had an amazing fruit salad, ham, grilled potatoes, garlic asparagus, rolls, sherbet and sprite, and strawberry short cake. Before the dinner we got to try snacks from Israel. Nate had signed up for snacks around the world packages. We got to try each snack–savory and sweet–and then vote on which ones were our favorite. They were interesting. Many were similar to American snacks but just looked differently in shape and texture. Everyone’s favorite was the chocolate bar with pop rocks in it. We played some new games on the virtual reality system. Everyone got a kick out of my reactions. This one is a Spiderman type activity. I kept hitting the buildings. I also tried to overcome my fear of heights, but it was hard to step off ledges. It felt so real. Grandma Florer tried VR too. She tried the Dino rollercoaster. Nate had her sit down for it so she wouldn’t fall. http://vimeo.com/333901612 Link snuggling with grandpa while watching people try the VR. http://vimeo.com/333901612 Grandpa had Remi giggling. Remi was grabbing grandpa’s beard and trying to taste it. Posted in April 2019 MD, April 2019 SNLLR No Comments CMW Posted on April 26, 2019
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