Nate and Siara got twelve different chicks. Some will lay colored eggs. Some of the chickens got really fat. Most are good with kids. They kept the chicks in a box under a heat lamp in the bathroom until they got bigger and started getting their feathers, and then they put them out in the coop with the heat lamp. The chicks won’t go outside the coop though. They run back in if someone put them outside. I guess they feel safe in there. They are, after all, “chickens.”
Below: Siara and Locke found worms in the garden and gave one to the chickens. It was hilarious because they were chasing the one with the worm and fighting over it.
A fox killed four of their chickens, so they got some new chickens (well, older ones). The new chickens are egg layers. The kids were so excited to find eggs in the nests. These two eggs were the first. They also got a rooster. Someone gave it to them for free. It protects the chickens against anyone getting too close to them. They also found out that one of the chicks they bought was a boy so now the flock is divided. The younger ones and the older ones. Steve the older rooster has his haram of older chickens and Kristoph (formerly Krystal) has his haram of younger chickens. The rooster wasn’t effective against the foxes though so they also got a dog.
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