Remi Martin Birth
Remi Martin
Born on November 28, 2018 at 10:10 am after 10 hours of labor. She weighed 7 lb. 3 oz and was 19 inches long. The birth took place in Tooele, Utah at the Mountain West Medical Center Labor and Delivery. The doctor had stripped the membranes the day before and then scheduled to induce at 6:30 a.m. so that Nate wouldn’t miss his classes and final test for the acupuncture certification. Fortunately, Siara went into labor before the induction time. Two contractions of pushing and Remi was out. No tearing or episiotomy.
Coming home from the hospital outfit.
Remi’s brothers adore her! They always want to hug, kiss, and hold her. Locke calls her a Cutie and says he loves her.
This is a picture of each of the children as newborns. There is an obvious resemblance, and you can sure tell Remi is a girl. Her features are smaller and more delicate.
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