Paul Everett Waldrep

Born July 26th 1941

Uncle Tussy holding Paul
8 months old 26th of march
11 months in Phillips Texas
15 months in Phillips Texas
17 months old
1946-1947 Age 5
1947-1948? Age 6
1948-1949 Age 7
1949-1950 Age 8
1950-1951? Age 9?
1951-1952? Age 10 or 1953-1954 Age 11

School Picture
Age 12

1954-55 Age 12

School Picture
Age 13


School Picture
Age 14

1956-1957 Age 14

1957-1958 Age 15?
1958-1959 Junior Age 16

Senior 1959-1960 ?

High School Graduation

May 27, 1960

Mom Muriel, sister Wanda, sister’s husband Gene

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